Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-03-19
Here’s what people were talking about on Cable News Twitter yesterday:

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I was curious how #WakeUpAmerica did so well yesterday (it’s been doing well every day, so I finally got around to looking into it). It was driven partially by one tweet that got retweeted heavily:
Because that go retweeted nearly 5000 times, it drove mentions of #WakeUpAmerica, The O’Reilly Factor, and Eric Bolling (who is part of The Five) up higher than would otherwise have happened.
You may ask if it’s reasonable to count retweets or not — I think it is fair, since the people retweeting are indicating that they think the original message is worthy of wider distribution. But I do agree that sometimes the effects are disproportionate. That’s why, fundamentally, Twitter ratings are an interesting, but not always insightful, metric.
Raw data for the day: 2015-03-19-TagStats.csv and 2015-03-19-WordStats.csv
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