Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-10-09
Ebola continued to be the top topic in Cable News Twitter on Thursday. Also percolating were ISIS, police actions in St. Louis, autism, and education secretary Arne Duncan:
Top 100 words and tags for the day: 2014-10-09-WordStats.csv 2014-10-09-TagStats.csv
Top Shows for the day:
Category | Mentions | Show |
Most Mentions During Hour | 2604 | Fox News: The Kelly File |
Most Mentions During Day | 8639 | CNN: CNN International |
Overall ratings by network
Network | Tweet Count | Unique Tweeters | Reach | Male | Female |
CNN | 46136 | 32102 | 586793409 | 55 % | 45 % |
Fox News | 43687 | 19712 | 272248633 | 61 % | 39 % |
MSNBC | 31499 | 14610 | 175401186 | 51 % | 49 % |
Comedy Central | 7093 | 6027 | 13036664 | 58 % | 42 % |
HBO | 4684 | 3483 | 12793509 | 69 % | 31 % |
HLN | 2437 | 1351 | 7074225 | 38 % | 62 % |
Al Jazeera | 1457 | 1130 | 3987571 | 62 % | 38 % |
CBS | 751 | 666 | 10025639 | 34 % | 66 % |
ABC | 176 | 116 | 366749 | 41 % | 59 % |
Most popular hastags
Hashtag | Count |
#ebola | 5998 |
#tcot | 3616 |
#kellyfile | 2727 |
#inners | 1786 |
#blackfish | 1750 |
#lnyhbt | 1726 |
#morningjoe | 1607 |
#isis | 1442 |
#maddow | 1436 |
#bloodmoon | 1336 |
Tag Cloud across all shows
#1 #2a #5things #ac360 #alma14 #benghazi #blackfish #bloodmoon #breaking #bucketlist #ccot #cnn #corridortokobane #dailyshow #deathpenalty #ebola #edshow #emptythetanks #envivo #ferguson #flipadistrict #forthood #foxnews #gop #hannity #hardball #inners #iran #iraq #isis #isisattackskobane #islam #janethevirgin #jdbnow #jessematthew #kellyfile #kobane #kobani #kobaniyekoridoraç #lastweektonight #lastword #lnyhbt #maddow #marineheldinmexico #mh370 #mikebrown #morningjoe #msnbc #nato #newday #news #nidalhasan #nielson #nra #nyc #obama #obamacare #oreillyfactor #otr #outnumbered #p2 #panetta #pjnet #popefrancis #potus #poverty #puppies #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #s #savedallas #savereyhanehjabbari #seaworld #secretservice #sha #shark #shawshooting #sitroom #syria #tbt #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thefive #thelead #tlot #tntweeters #tpot #tpp #tweet4taiji #uniteblue #uppers #usa #voteblue #votingmatters #wiunion |
Word Cloud across all shows
000 800 against attack autism bees believe black case co dead died dollars duncan ebola eric even fan first five flattery form four gay go good gop great help house ht huge imitation isis jong just kim know last life like live look love make man many marriage must name need new news north now obama one paintings patients people person please police prostitution ps race really reason report right said say says scandal see selling show something speak still stop survived take think thomas thousands time tonight treated truest un us want war watch white will woman wonder world |