Basketball Scores a slam-dunk on Cable News Twitter (4/4/15)

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-04-04

The NCAA tournament managed to rise to the top of Cable News Twitter talk on Saturday…


Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 5224 Fox News: Cashin In
Most Mentions During Day 26491 Fox News: Cashin In

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 55941 20546 524096074 60 % 40 %
CNN 32276 23655 343456873 65 % 35 %
MSNBC 17313 8998 89375072 54 % 46 %

Most popular hashtags and words

Word or Hashtag Count
#wakeupamerica 19734
#tcot 8064
#pjnet 6101
basketball 4163
mt 4054
holding 3988
insane 3969
okafor 3939
obama 3843
will 3458

Tag Cloud across all shows

#1a #1m1w #2a #badgers #bergdahl #bloodmoon #boycottindiana #boycottnorthdakota #bpl #c2gthr #cashinin #ccot #commoncore #constitution #disclosure #eagol #easter #epicfail #finalfour #findingjesus #fns #foxnews #freeamir #freeamirnow #gop #gunsense #hannity #iran #irandeal #irantalks #irs #isis #isisgenocide #israel #istandwithisrael #jdcv #jilltahmooressi #justiceonfox #kellyfile #lebouledekimksurhabbixfr #letnoseygo #lgbt #lnyhbt #lorettalynch #makedclisten #memoriespizza #mtp #ncaa #nerdland #newday #nra #obama #obamacare #obamadestroyingamerica #orpuw #p2 #patriots #pjnet #prolife #qpr #redeye #rednationrising #renewus #rfra #rt #scotus #setthedate #sisterpatriots #sot #stopcommoncore #stophr5 #stopislam #tcot #teaparty #tedcruz2016 #tgdn #thefive #time100 #tlot #uniteblue #uniteright #uppers #us #uscgamecocks #veterans #w #wa #wak #wake #wakeu #wakeup #wakeupa #wakeupam #wakeupame #wakeupamer #wakeupameri #wakeupamerica #wba #wisconsin #ycot


Word Cloud across all shows

10 against ago america american americans app away back basketball best children come day dead deal easter ebert eclipse enjoy et first force freedom game gay gets girls go god going good great harry hillary holding htt insane iran israel jahlil jr just king know like love luther make man martin morning mt much must need new news now nuclear obama obama’s okafor one people photos please pm president prison really reid religion religious right roger say says see seen share state still stop take think time today took truth un us video want watch wedding will women world years