Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-03-08
Although Fox News’ Cashin’ In was not on the air Sunday, it nevertheless had the top trending hashtag on Sunday, “#WakeUpAmerica”:

Click to enlarge
Raw data: 2015-03-08-TagStats.csv and 2015-03-08-WordStats.csv
Top Shows for the day:
Category |
Mentions |
Show |
Most Mentions During Hour |
1159 |
HBO: Last Week Tonight |
Most Mentions During Day |
7998 |
Fox News: Hannity |
Overall ratings by network
Network |
Tweet Count |
Unique Tweeters |
Reach |
Male |
Female |
Fox News |
55863 |
22025 |
423500520 |
61 % |
39 % |
22556 |
14926 |
387042916 |
55 % |
45 % |
19337 |
10040 |
121877557 |
56 % |
44 % |
3293 |
2631 |
9079024 |
66 % |
34 % |
Al Jazeera |
2057 |
1474 |
11601564 |
50 % |
50 % |
Comedy Central |
1438 |
1184 |
9358215 |
51 % |
49 % |
975 |
749 |
8911852 |
46 % |
54 % |
Most popular hashtags
Tag Cloud across all shows
#2a #7daysofgenius #bencarson #benghazi #blacklivesmatter #c2gthr #cashinin #ccot #cnn #cnnafrica #cnnwomen #disclosure #edchat #ferguson #findingjesus #fns #foxnews #ftn #fullrepeal #fwyrick #godblessamerica #gop #hannity #heforshe #hillary #hillaryemail #icc4israel #impeachobama #inspirewomen #internationalwomensday #iran #irantalks #isis #israel #istandwithbibi #istandwithisrael #iwd2015 #jeffwecan #kellyfile #lastweektonight #lnyhbt #makedclisten #mh370 #molonlabe #morningjoe #msnbc #mtp #nerdland #newday #nightoftoomanystars #noamnesty #nonucleariran #nra #obama #obamacare #obamadestroyingamerica #ocare #p2 #patriots #pjnet #policelivesmatter #radicalislam #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #renewus #rt #savesweetbriar #selma #selma50 #shill #sisterpatriots #standwiththeflag #stophillary2016 #stophillaryin2016 #stopisis #stopislam #tbats #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teaparty #tgdn #thewonderlist #thisweek #tlot #truth #unions #uniteblue #uniteright #uppers #venezuela #veterans #wakeu #wakeup #wakeupa #wakeupam #wakeupamer #wakeupamerica #wethepeople #ycot |
Word Cloud across all shows
50 against america american back bad ban black bush clinton clintons co congress country day email emails et ever find flag fox go going good gop graham great hero hillary htt international iran irvine isis israel john just know last law like lindsey love make man many march media much must need netanyahu never new news now obama one people police president private put real really retweet right rights say says see selma sent show state still stop take tells things think time today tonight truth uc us vote want watch watching way white will women women’s work world years |