No dominant topics on Cable News Twitter on12/26/14

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-12-26

Not a lot of conversation on the 26th, and not a lot of focus in that conversation, as #blackfish, “app”, and “us” all topped the chart of most used terms.

Raw data for the day: 2014-12-26-WordStats.csv and 2014-12-26-TagStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 1033 Fox News: On The Record w/Greta Van Susteren
Most Mentions During Day 4301 Fox News: The Five w/Hosts

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 26888 14675 146650720 66 % 34 %
CNN 26415 17874 354509128 59 % 41 %
MSNBC 7248 4551 42803108 58 % 42 %
Al Jazeera 1362 1046 9640257 59 % 41 %
HLN 654 497 6231130 44 % 56 %
HBO 631 470 3035955 58 % 42 %
CBS 325 247 2467248 40 % 60 %
Comedy Central 317 278 906282 40 % 60 %
ABC 159 135 9297542 42 % 58 %

Most popular hashtags

Hashtag Count
#blackfish 2023
#tcot 1673
#lnyhbt 1525
#thehunt 1060
#app 1042
#pjnet 981
#iran 934
#android 846
#irantalks 744
#cashinin 722

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #5things #abedini #alsharpton #android #anipals #app #barackobama #benghazi #blackfish #blacklivesmatter #bluelivesmatter #bush #c2gthr #campliberty #cashinin #ccot #chicagoland #christmas #cnn #cnnheroes #crimeisdown #deshkeliye #edshow #emptythetanks #ferguson #ff #foxnews #foxnews2015 #freeajstaff #freemorgan #google #gop #h #hannity #humanrights #icantbreathe #inners #inspiration #iran #irantalks #isis #kellyfile #lastweektonight #legalpanel #libcrib #liza #lnyhbt #marchforlolita #merrychristmas #morningjoe #msgthefilm #msnbc #newday #news #northkorea #nosey #noseyelephant #nra #nyc #nypd #obama #ocra #opkillingbay #opseaworld #outnumbered #p2 #pjne #pjnet #ps4 #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #seaworld #selma #sgp #shuttaijidown #sony #sonyhack #syria #tcot #teaparty #tech #techno #tgdn #thankyoualll #thefive #thehunt #theinterview #thelead #thisislife #tlot #tpp #tweet4dolphins #tweet4taiji #uniteblue #uslatino #war #xboxone #yamecanse13


Word Cloud across all shows

2014 acy against al app apparent apple ask attack back choose christmas co contact cops day developer developers driving escalating feel fined first force fox free gamers good great hack hackers held help hey incident indian information ios isis just killed know korea launch least like live lizardsquad love make many media meet merry nba network new news now nypd obama ocean officers offline one online pay people platform playstation please police president ramos real really regarding remain retweet right saved says see sharpton show still stop temecula think threats time tsunami us wall watch will women xbox year years