Melissa Harris-Perry wins Sunday’s Cable News Twitter (10/26/14)

Sunday was a strong day for Melissa Harris-Perry Show, winning best hour and best day.

Raw data for the day: 2014-10-26-ShowStats.csv

Note that all times are US Eastern Time. See notes at end for further explanations. For earlier articles on cable news twitter ratings, please see this.

Cable News Twitter Ratings for 2014-10-26

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 1910 MSNBC: Melissa Harris-Perry Show
Most Mentions During Day 5160 MSNBC: Melissa Harris-Perry Show

Ratings for individual time slots

Ratings for 12 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera Consider This 1 2 1 2 2,498 0% 100%
CNN Somebody’s Gotta Do It 9 53 7 49 19,087 53% 47%
Fox News Judge Jeanine 163 617 121 426 2,140,130 61% 39%

Ratings for 1 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 31 818 28 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
Al Jazeera The Stream 0 3 0 3 9,182 0% 100%
Fox News Greta Investigates 30 1,366 27 965 3,053,435 52% 48%

Ratings for 2 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera Fault Lines 0 4 0 4 5,806 0% 100%
Al Jazeera TechKnow 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0%
Fox News RedEye 132 768 44 465 2,340,211 68% 32%

Ratings for 3 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 14 818 14 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
Fox News Huckabee 4 292 3 188 1,467,498 57% 43%

Ratings for 4 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 10 818 8 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
CNN CNN International 89 3,564 68 2,778 116,663,984 59% 41%
Fox News Judge Jeanine 19 617 12 426 2,140,130 61% 39%

Ratings for 5 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera Inside Story 1 1 1 1 1,914 0% 0%
CNN CNN International 211 3,564 164 2,778 116,663,984 59% 41%
Fox News Huckabee 8 292 3 188 1,467,498 57% 43%

Ratings for 6 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 5 818 4 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
CNN New Day 37 611 28 451 11,529,241 54% 46%
Fox News Fox and Friends Weekend 75 1,362 55 847 7,573,596 62% 38%

Ratings for 7 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 66 818 56 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
CNN New Day 47 611 38 451 11,529,241 54% 46%
CNN Sanjay Gupta MD (7:30) 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0%
Fox News Fox and Friends Weekend 225 1,362 148 847 7,573,596 62% 38%
HLN Weekend Express 2 39 2 30 23,853 69% 31%
MSNBC Your Business (7:30) 4 13 4 13 203,552 63% 38%

Ratings for 8 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 48 818 42 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
CNN New Day 35 611 32 451 11,529,241 54% 46%
CNN Inside Politics 31 313 25 242 22,545,357 59% 41%
Fox News Fox and Friends Weekend 279 1,362 179 847 7,573,596 62% 38%
HLN Weekend Express 7 39 6 30 23,853 69% 31%
MSNBC Up w/Steve Kornacki 1,013 4,561 326 2,113 20,095,453 48% 52%

Ratings for 9 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
CNN State of the Union 364 1,982 241 1,238 98,554,302 49% 51%
Fox News Fox and Friends Weekend 549 1,362 398 847 7,573,596 62% 38%
HLN Weekend Express 6 39 6 30 23,853 69% 31%
MSNBC Up w/Steve Kornacki 1,179 4,561 424 2,113 20,095,453 48% 52%

Ratings for 10 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
CNN GPS w/Fareed Zakaria 121 860 93 658 30,181,546 60% 40%
Fox News Sunday Morning Futures 176 441 116 276 14,553,739 65% 35%
HLN Weekend Express 8 39 7 30 23,853 69% 31%
MSNBC Melissa Harris-Perry Show 1,489 5,160 557 2,126 20,465,946 40% 60%

Ratings for 11 am

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 96 818 85 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
Al Jazeera Listening Post 4 16 3 14 18,817 50% 50%
CNN Reliable Sources 93 216 56 140 41,130,008 58% 42%
Fox News #MediaBuzz 219 572 146 346 4,572,969 73% 27%
HLN Weekend Express 6 39 5 30 23,853 69% 31%
MSNBC Melissa Harris-Perry Show 1,910 5,160 761 2,126 20,465,946 40% 60%

Ratings for 12 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 44 818 41 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
Al Jazeera Power Politics 0 1 0 1 496 0% 0%
CNN State of the Union w/Candy Crowley 462 1,982 274 1,238 98,554,302 49% 51%
Fox News America’s News HQ 34 256 31 202 13,986,862 66% 34%
Fox News Sunday Housecall 7 10 6 9 4,339 75% 25%
MSNBC Weekends w/ Alex Witt 17 34 13 27 38,262 52% 48%

Ratings for 1 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 27 818 25 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
CNN GPS w/Fareed Zakaria 55 860 39 658 30,181,546 60% 40%
Fox News America’s News HQ 56 256 40 202 13,986,862 66% 34%
MSNBC Taking the Hill 104 235 52 134 1,449,918 52% 48%

Ratings for 2 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 20 818 17 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
CNN News Room 18 87 8 58 782,037 59% 41%
Fox News Fox News Sunday 137 2,480 97 1,593 47,141,118 54% 46%
MSNBC Meet The Press 309 4,627 195 2,670 35,499,830 62% 38%

Ratings for 3 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera Talk to Al Jazeera 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0%
Al Jazeera Power Politics 0 1 0 1 496 0% 0%
CNN News Room 4 87 2 58 782,037 59% 41%
Fox News America’s News HQ 8 256 8 202 13,986,862 66% 34%
Fox News WSJ Editorial Report (3:00) 1 1 1 1 363 100% 0%
MSNBC MSNBC Live 239 3,710 186 2,266 11,166,315 51% 49%

Ratings for 4 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 24 818 22 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
CNN News Room 7 87 5 58 782,037 59% 41%
Fox News A Healthy You w/ Carol Alt (4pm) 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0%
Fox News Sunday Housecall (4:30) 2 10 2 9 4,339 75% 25%

Ratings for 5 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera Real Money with Ali Velshi (2:30) 1 28 1 22 30,460 54% 46%
Al Jazeera Listening Post 0 16 0 14 18,817 50% 50%
CNN News Room 9 87 9 58 782,037 59% 41%
Fox News #MediaBuzz 36 572 24 346 4,572,969 73% 27%

Ratings for 6 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 23 818 23 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
CNN News Room 9 87 8 58 782,037 59% 41%
Fox News Fox News Sunday 80 2,480 48 1,593 47,141,118 54% 46%

Ratings for 7 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera America Tonight 1 32 1 32 26,102 42% 58%
Fox News Fox Report Weekend 3 15 3 15 76,102 58% 42%

Ratings for 8 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 22 818 20 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
CNN Parts Unknown 170 1,776 153 1,351 31,348,737 52% 48%
Fox News Huckabee 59 292 43 188 1,467,498 57% 43%

Ratings for 9 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
CNN Parts Unknown 429 1,776 289 1,351 31,348,737 52% 48%
Fox News Greta Investigates 144 1,366 106 965 3,053,435 52% 48%

Ratings for 10 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera America Tonight 0 32 0 32 26,102 42% 58%
Fox News Fox News Reporting 10 88 10 76 9,522,886 55% 45%

Ratings for 11 pm

Network Show Twts Hour Twts Day UT Hour UT Day Reach Male Female
Al Jazeera News 30 818 23 667 1,930,611 65% 35%
Fox News Huckabee 24 292 18 188 1,467,498 57% 43%
HBO Last Week Tonight 1,891 2,911 1,368 2,063 12,378,041 61% 39%


Definition of terms used in this report:

  • Network: For the purposes of total network mentions, the count is the total unique tweets that mention any of the shows tracked on the network or the network’s general Twitter account (e.g., @CNN).
  • Mentions During Hour or Tweets Hour: The number of tweets that mention the show during the hour specified. For shows that are repeat later in the day, the first (and often live) showing usually garners the most mentions by a significant margin.
  • Mentions During day or Tweets Day: The total number of mentions a show received from midnight to midnight, eastern time.
  • Tweet Count: The number of tweets (including retweets) that mention a show.
  • Unique Tweeters (Also labeled ‘UT‘): The number of Twitter users who have sent one or more tweets mentioning a show. If a user sends more than one tweet, they still only count once. For individual shows, both the unique tweeters during an hour as well as throughout the day are shown.
  • Reach: A measure of the number of impressions a collection of tweets could make. For each tweet that is sent, I add up how many people follow the person tweeting it — how many timelines that tweet will show up in. Thus, if network A has 10,000 mentions from people with an average of 10 followers, the reach will be 100,000. On the other hand, if network B has 10,000 mentions from people with an average of 100 followers, the reach will be 1,000,000. So network B has much greater reach: tweets mentioning network B will potentially be seen 10 times as often as tweets about network A. There’s no guarantee that that many people actually see or read the tweet; in fact, it’s probably safe to say a very small fraction do. For individual shows, reach is only calculate on the entire day’s tweets: there’s no point in assuming that people read the tweets in real time.
  • Male / Female: An estimate of the demographics of a show’s audience. Note that this number is an imprecise estimate.

Cable News Twitter Ratings are still experimental. If you have any suggestions, find any errors, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

For further discussion of how these stats are calculated, please see this blog post. Especially the part about how I determine the gender of Twitter users.