Ferguson and ISIS top topics in Cable News Twitter for Friday, August 22, 2014

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-08-22

Ferguson was still the top topic in Cable News Twitter on Friday, but ISIS was a close second.

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 1961 Fox News: On The Record w/Greta Van Susteren
Most Mentions During Day 10065 CNN: CNN Tonight w/ Hosts

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
CNN 49176 29786 460280257 55 % 45 %
Fox News 46038 23849 225056282 64 % 36 %
MSNBC 32297 13733 127775228 52 % 48 %
HBO 1762 1416 3030432 72 % 28 %
Al Jazeera 1645 1225 3962617 52 % 48 %
HLN 1091 785 5520751 44 % 56 %
Comedy Central 807 682 2149862 62 % 38 %
ABC 224 179 5249035 46 % 54 %
CBS 153 115 3625449 64 % 36 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#ferguson 11258
#isis 8007
#tcot 3193
#greta 3118
#blackfish 3003
#gaza 1923
#kellyfile 1779
#lnyhbt 1732
#michaelbrown 1692
#ebola 1614

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #30in30 #5things #ac360 #alsicebucketchallenge #american #backtoschool #blackfish #boycottseaworld #cavuto #ccot #cnn #danpage #darrenwilson #ebola #edshow #emptythetanks #fe #ferguson #fergusonscanner #ff #flipadistrict #foxnews #gaza #gazaunderattack #gop #greta #hamas #handsupdontshoot #hannity #hardball #healstl #icebucketchallenge #inners #iran #iraq #isil #isis #israel #jamesfoley #jedeye #johnnymanziel #justiceformikebrown #kajiemepowell #kellyfile #lastword #libcrib #lnyhbt #maddow #mh17 #michaelbrown #mikebrown #morningjoe #msnbc #newday #news #nfl #nra #nyc #obama #ocra #orcas #oreillyfactor #outfront #outnumbered #p2 #pakistan #pentagon #pjnet #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #rickperry #ronjohnson #seaworld #sgp #siliconvalley #specialreport #syria #takeoffjustlogo #tcot #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thefive #thelead #tlot #tntweeters #tweet4taiji #tweetthepress #twisters #ultimately #uniteblue #uppers #usa #voteblue #wallstreet #wiunion #women2014


Word Cloud across all shows

against al america american americans back black breaking brown case change cnn co cop cops day dealing death ebola even every ferguson forget go going good grand great gun hamas incident isis israel jury just killed know last let like live look love make man many media michael much must need never new news now obama officer one people please police president race really report right said say says see seen shooting shot show still stop story straight strong take tell thanks think threat time today tonight us video want watch way well white will wilson words world wrong yo