Trending Topics in Cable News for Thursday, July 17, 2014 — MH17 with Gaza distant second

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-07-17

The conversation on cable news Twitter was dominated by the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 over eastern Ukraine.  Talk about Gaza was a distant second.

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 2962 Fox News: The Kelly File
Most Mentions During Day 12322 Comedy Central: The Colbert Report (11:30-12am)

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
CNN 87241 62354 529419535 57 % 43 %
Fox News 47558 23971 236309521 60 % 40 %
MSNBC 26151 12105 119182570 56 % 44 %
HBO 17404 11060 31609231 66 % 34 %
Comedy Central 16341 14404 41597110 66 % 34 %
Al Jazeera 3206 2498 17296890 58 % 42 %
HLN 1681 1108 10485069 46 % 54 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#mh17 26252
#gaza 14943
#tcot 6887
#lnyhbt 5357
#ac360 4220
#ukraine 3866
#pjnet 3525
#storm4arturo 3349
#kellyfile 2904
#flipadistrict 2891

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #ac360 #andrewtahmooressi #arturo #blackfish #bordercrisis #breaking #breakingnews #bringbackourmarine #c2gthr #cavuto #ccot #cir #cnn #daca #dailyshow #donothingdave #edshow #emptythetanks #flipadistrict #forceforchange #foxnews #freearturo #freepalestine #gaza #gazaunderattack #gop #hamas #hannity #hardball #immigration #imperialism #inners #iran #irantalks #irantalksvienna #irs #israel #israeli #kellyfile #lastword #latism #libcrib #lnyhbt #maddow #malaysia #malaysiaairlines #marine #marineheldinmexico #mh17 #mh370 #morningjoe #msnbc #newday #news #nra #nyc #obama #ocra #oreillyfactor #p2 #pjnet #politicsontap #prayformh17 #putin #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #retirereichert #russia #russian #seaworld #sgp #sisterpatriots #standwith #standwithisrael #storm4arturo #superpod3 #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #texas #tgdn #thefive #thelead #tlot #tntweeters #tweet4dolphins #tweet4taiji #ukraine #uniteblue #uniteright #uppers #usa #wa08 #wa8 #waar #wiunion


Word Cloud across all shows

000 8p advisor affairs air airlines along america arrested arturo beach border breaking call calls candy carolina cheer child chocolate cnn co crash crashes dealing devastating east fact flight gaza going ground guessing hamas handed happened help internal israel israelis jet just kkk know latest like live lost makes malaysia malaysian many maybe members minister missile must need never new news now obama one passenger people photo plane please president rain really recruit report reports right rockets russia russian says shot show small south speaks start stay story strip take terrorists think ukraine us walked watch white will woman world