Trending Topics in Cable News, Sunday March 16, 2014

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-03-16

Kind of a quiet day, Sunday, on Twitter as no topic managed to catch fire with folks…

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 1257 MSNBC: Melissa Harris-Perry Show
Most Mentions During Day 3719 Fox News: Fox News Sunday

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
CNN 42807 31149 224045099 75 % 25 %
Fox News 20666 11452 100949574 65 % 35 %
MSNBC 11046 5492 53243885 50 % 50 %
Comedy Central 6179 4314 11357364 62 % 38 %
E 3562 3005 23705722 39 % 61 %
HBO 3036 2364 7469792 70 % 30 %
Al Jazeera 2772 2082 8218346 63 % 37 %
HLN 615 415 2647972 52 % 48 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#tcot 5479
#thfcvafc 3313
#lnyhbt 2766
#afc 2474
#fns 2102
#nerdland 1822
#vanpursestrings 1679
#mcconnelling 1595
#uppers 1485
#mtp 1393

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #aca #afc #army #b #benghazi #bfg #btwn2ferns #c2gthr #ccot #chicagoland #church #cnn #commoncore #congress #coys #crimea #ctl #dailyshow #deathrowstories #denver #disrupters #ditchmitch #fbi #flight370 #fns #fossilferdinand #foxnews #ftn #glory #gop #growinghope #hannity #inners #insidepolitics #iran #iraq #irs #lgbt #libcrib #littlemonsters #lnyhbt #loislerner #maddow #malaysia #malaysiaairlines #mcconelling #mcconnelling #mh370 #msnbc #mtp #ncaa #nena #nerdland #newday #news #nra #ntsb #obama #obamacare #ocare #ocra #orpuw #p2 #per #pjnet #putin #question4liberals #realtime #rednationrising #redstate #resist44 #russia #samedirection #science #senate #sherwood #sisterpatriots #springbreak #stopcommoncore #t #tabasco #tcot #teaparty #tears4rio #tgdn #thfcvafc #thisw #thisweek #tlot #topprog #twisters #ukraine #uniteblue #uppers #usa #vanpursestrings #waar #weedcnn #wiunion


Word Cloud across all shows

000 370 again airlines alone always anelka arsenal away back believe better big boom boy cnn come crimea day difficult fans flight front giroud give go god going good great hart head help henry hey hibernat ing internet just know lane life like little live make malaysia man missing much need never new news now obama oh one people piers pilots plane please rather really relationships retweeting russia said say says see seem show someone something spurs still stop take thanks thing think though tim time today tortoise true us vote walk watch watching way white will win word wright