Cable News Trending Topics for Saturday, January 25, 2014: CNN Dominates with Coverage of Columbia Mall Shooting

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-01-25

Mike Huck-a-who? After dominating Twitter on Friday, Mike Huckabee quickly faded as the outrage-du-jour and was replaced by brisk conversation about the Columbia mall shooting.  There were over 6000 tweets that mentioned the shooting, and over 5000 of them referenced CNN — in fact the vast majority of them were either retweets of CNN or quotes of CNN’s breaking news tweets.

The is a small validation of the general rule that when it comes to actual breaking news, CNN is the network of choice for people.

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 2335 MSNBC: Melissa Harris-Perry Show
Most Mentions During Day 13686 CNN: Piers Morgan Live

You can see how all the shows did yesterday in this companion post.

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
CNN 33672 23372 211380437 61 % 39 %
Fox News 23782 12115 82806013 59 % 41 %
MSNBC 17772 7700 71212460 49 % 51 %
Comedy Central 3625 3107 4545402 59 % 41 %
E 3445 2640 13170393 28 % 72 %
Al Jazeera 2996 2279 9467302 59 % 41 %
HBO 2641 2121 15819917 62 % 38 %
HLN 1277 902 4020949 33 % 67 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#tcot 4646
#cnn 4369
#nerdland 4055
#lnyhbt 3149
#uppers 2197
#p2 2036
#iran 2032
#teaparty 1906
#tlot 1660
#uniteblue 1552

Tag Cloud across all shows

#14a #2a #5things #afp #alec #amnesty #baltimore #baseball #benghazi #bffs #bieber #breaking #bridgegate #c2gthr #cantcontrolmylibido #cashinin #ccot #cnn #columbiamall #coverukraine #ctl #dearpotus #disrupters #edshow #egypt #euromaidan #football #freethe7 #french #gop #hannity #he #helpcovedolphins #hezbollah #hottieoftheweek #hr36 #humanrights #inners #iran #iraq #justice #kellyfile #koch #lgbt #libcrib #lnyhbt #maddow #makedclisten #mccain #msnbc #neonlightstour #nerdland #newday #news #nj #nra #nuclear #nytimes #obama #obamacare #ocra #olympics #p2 #pjnet #politicsnation #pot #praytoendabortion #prolife #questionsbilloreillywillneverask #questionsbilloreillywillnotask #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #retweettillpiersmorgangetsit #sanctions #sherman #sochi #sot #sotu #syria #t #taiji #tcot #teaparty #tgdn #tlot #topprog #tpp #truth #tweet4taiji #twisters #ukraine #un #unclesugar #uniteblue #uppers #us #walkforlife #wfl #wiunion


Word Cloud across all shows

active against aguero also america americans answer authorities ban bc bieber breaking can change check cnn columbia come comments confirm control coverage day dead discharged dishonorably fox free get gift go god going good gop great gun guns internet just justin know least life like live love make mall man maryland md mitt much need new news now obama one people piers player please police pope president ptsd really right said say says school see shooting show sounds state still stop take talk tell think three time today unfolds union update us want watch way well will wish women work