Trending Topics on Cable News for January 10, 2014

On Friday, “Bridgegate” spilled over from Thursday into the morning, propelling MSNBC’s Morning Joe to the top trending cable news show for the day.  The Rachel Maddow show came very close to Morning Joe but, of course, had to fight the downdraft that is Friday night.

When you look at what words were used, “Christie” was the runaway leader, and a lot of the other words in the word cloud are reflective of bridgegate as well.

Speaking of Bridgegate, #bridgegate narrowly missed outranking #tcot (“Top conservatives on Twitter”), and #maddow was just two short of topping Sean Hannity’s #lnyhbt.  All in all, a very good day for liberals on Twitter.

Note that you can see the detailed show-by-show, hour-by-hour ratings in the companion post.  To see the top trending topics, read on…

Cable News Ratings for 2014-01-10

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 2782 MSNBC: Morning Joe
Most Mentions During Day 9652 MSNBC: Morning Joe

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
MSNBC 37326 13512 138654538 50 % 50 %
CNN 22582 16406 319970156 61 % 39 %
Fox News 21261 11535 108676384 65 % 35 %
E 7598 5826 133688471 21 % 79 %
Comedy Central 6231 5222 9329340 59 % 41 %
Al Jazeera 3427 2365 20317336 59 % 41 %
HLN 2386 1617 11977154 58 % 42 %
HBO 855 627 2463411 66 % 34 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#tcot 3368
#bridgegate 3267
#lnyhbt 2426
#maddow 2425
#inners 1999
#chrischristie 1573
#morningjoe 1550
#edshow 1450
#iran 1183
#christie 1022

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #5things #ac360 #ajamstream #amnesty #bakedcat #bb4sp #benghazi #breaking #bridge #bridgegate #bridgeghazi #cannonball #ccot #chri #chrischristie #christie #christiedocs #cnn #crossfire #dailyshow #edshow #eredcarpet #exclusive #ff #fns #foxnews #freethe7 #fukushima #gates #genevatalks #glee #gleeks #globespredictions #goldenglobes #gop #greta #gwbridge #haiti #hannity #hardball #hottieoftheweek #hr36 #humanrights #inners #iran #iraq #irs #keepyourpromise #kellyfile #lastword #libcrib #lnyhbt #lonesurvivor #maddow #marijuana #mcdonalds #morningjoe #msnbc #nerdland #newday #news #nra #nsa #obama #obamacare #ocra #ofa #orpuw #p2 #pca #pjnet #politicsnation #pooralreadylosing #preach #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #returntofuku #sanctions #sot #sw #syria #t #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thecycle #thefive #thelead #tlot #tweet4taiji #uniteblue #unnecessarywars #uppers #wiunion #workbitch #wreckingball


Word Cloud across all shows

000 2013 address another back bad best big boss bridge bridges bully can chemical chris christie christie’s congress death ever every first fox get go going good gop got gov great hit irs jersey job jobs joe just killed know last like look love make making man millionaires need never new news next night nj now obama old one people please president rachel read real really report right say says scandal see show spill state stay still story sure take talking theory think time today tonight traffic turns us video virginia want watch water way west will woman year years