Bergdahl, Crash top Cable News Twitter Topics on Wednesday, 3/25/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-03-25

The charging of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl with desertion was the dominant topic in Cable News Twitter on Wednesday, with the crash of the Germanwings flight a close second.

Raw data: 2015-03-25-TagStats.csv and 2015-03-25-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 4624 Fox News: The Kelly File
Most Mentions During Day 10847 Fox News: Hannity

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 85439 33831 499032575 62 % 38 %
CNN 46479 30617 764366893 55 % 45 %
MSNBC 25211 12783 149718763 56 % 44 %

Most popular hashtags and words

Word or Hashtag Count
#wakeupamerica 16316
#tcot 8695
obama 7550
#bergdahl 7235
will 6512
says 5947
bergdahl 5910
crash 5892
#germanwings 5789
one 5418

Tag Cloud across all shows

#1d #2a #4u9525 #5things #ac360 #afghangirl #amandaknox #amazeling #amnesty #bencarson #benghazi #bergdahl #botl #bowebergdahl #breaking #c2gthr #cashinin #ccot #chris #cnn #commoncore #constitution #cosproject #cruz2016 #disclosure #edshow #ferguson #findkatrinagirl #fns #foxnews #ftn #gabrielleglaser #germanwings #germanwingscrash #gop #hannity #hardball #heinz #hillaryclinton #icc4israel #inners #iran #irandeal #irantalks #irs #isis #israel #istandwithisrael #journalist #kellyfile #kraftfoods #lastword #lnyhbt #lufthansa #maddow #makedclisten #middleeast #morningjoe #msnbc #mtp #newday #news #noblacksallowed #nonucleariran #nra #obama #obamacare #onedirection #outnumbered #p2 #pjnet #politicsnation #redeye #rednationrising #rt #sisterpatriots #stopislam #talibantrade #tcot #teamedshow #teaparty #tedcruz #tedcruz2016 #tedcruzcampaignslogans #tgdn #thefive #tlot #tntweeters #uk #uniteblue #us #va #veterans #wakeup #wakeupamerica #wakeupcongress #whitehouse #ycot #yemen #youcruzyoulose


Word Cloud across all shows

against america american another app army back beginning bergdahl bowe breaking cardboard carpool charged co cockpit country crash cruz cutout day deal deserter desertion driver end enemy enough et first flight fox go god going good great hear hearings hold house hov htt just kids killed know lane law like locked looking make man may military need never new news now obama one people pilot plane please police president re release report reporting right saudi say says see sgt show something taliban ted thing think thought ticket time today truth trying tweet us want washington watch white will world yemen