Attacks on ISIS in Syria Dominate Cable News Twitter on Monday

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-09-22

The launching of attacks on ISIS in Syria topped the trending topics in Cable News Twitter on Monday. When you look at the word cloud, it’s seldom that the words used are so consistently negative.

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 3556 Fox News: The Kelly File
Most Mentions During Day 6027 Fox News: The Kelly File

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 44529 25667 219124760 63 % 37 %
CNN 38644 28785 499793837 54 % 46 %
MSNBC 22978 10391 129391939 56 % 44 %
HBO 4757 3706 25262325 55 % 45 %
Comedy Central 3248 2755 13923196 59 % 41 %
Al Jazeera 1605 1248 4245898 60 % 40 %
HLN 1430 901 7321357 34 % 66 %
CBS 1165 950 14824798 59 % 41 %
ABC 285 237 3615285 45 % 55 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#isis 6281
#syria 4776
#tcot 4547
#kellyfile 4214
#lnyhbt 3740
#crossfire 3281
#heforshe 2487
#breaking 2288
#pjnet 2161
#teaparty 2119

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #5things #ac360 #benghazi #blackfish #breaking #breakingnews #bringbackourmarine #cashinin #cavuto #ccot #chicagoland #climatechange #climatemarch #cnn #crossfire #ctot #ebola #edshow #emptythetanks #ferguson #fightfor15 #floodeverywhere #floodwallstreet #fnpolitics #foxnews #gop #hannahgraham #hannity #hardball #heforshe #hillary #hillary2016 #hillaryclinton #hillaryforprez #inners #iran #iraq #irs #is #isil #isis #kelly #kellyfile #lastweektonight #lastword #lnyhbt #lol #maddow #makedclisten #mars #maven #military #missamerica #morningjoe #msnbc #nerdland #newday #news #nfl #no2rouhani #nyc #obama #ocra #opkillingbay #outnumbered #p2 #peoplesclimate #peoplesclimatemarch #pjnet #pleasert #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #seaworld #seeyouinnovember2014 #sisterpatriots #specialreport #syria #taiji #tamu #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thefive #thelead #tlot #tpp #tweet4dolphins #tweet4taiji #un #uniteblue #uniteright #us #usa #vote2014 #wiunion


Word Cloud across all shows

800 against air airstrikes also america attacks atw begun beli bombing border breaking bsa car change climate democracy di dipke drive enough even feminism fence fight first game go going good hong house isis islamic job jualan just know kong’s last latest launched leading like live main man mean media military miss missing murah must need new news now obama old one ovation people president quit right rounds say says secret see sendiri show soldiers speech standing state stop suka support syria targets teen think time tonight tune turkey us video vouchernya want war watch wave way well white will